A little bit about me📖

I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Computer/Information Science that helped me building foundational skills in Data Structres, Algorithms, Programming. I'm currently pursuing my Master's Degree at The Universiy of Texas at Dallas majoring in Information Technology & Management where I'm learning Analytics and Data Science skills. Coming from a CS background and leanring analytics has really given me a whole new perspective of modern day Technologies and what can we do with them.


Some of my recent projects 🚧

Business Experience 💼

I have gained Technical and Professional skills through Hands-on learning. Some of my recent experiences are

Data Analyst-Associate - Full Time

  • Worked with Data Scientists to understand the process of Data Analysis.
  • Implemented Data Preprocessing using Python to clean large Datasets containing and generated valuable insights from the clean Datasets through visualizations.
  • Used Google Analytics to Analyze data of mobile applications & make data driven decisions

M.S. in Information Technology & Management

  • Currently enrolled as a full time Graduate student.
  • I have build strong foundations on programming and analytics.
  • Relavant Coursework: Object Oriented Programming, Applied Machine learning, Big Data Analytics, System Analysis and Design, Database Management, Programming for Data Science.

Full Stack Developer- Summer Intern

  • Designed and Developed Dynamic web pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed PHP scripts, worked with database queries in MySql.
  • Fixed bugs, issues and participated in code reviews.
  • Handled cross browser compatibility issues.

I'd love to hear from you! 😄

ashish.gupta2@utdallas.edu | (682)407-6593